
Friday 29 April 2016

Prickly Fun

I have a little obsession with cacti at the moment. Not the real, prickly kind, but the ones made of rocks and cardboard.

So we took one of my favourite things to craft with in the garden, good old white stones, and turned them into cacti.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Breakfast Jars

Who else finds making breakfast a drag?!

Lexi loves oats but there are days when I just don't feel like cooking it (yes, I know it's quick!). 

I've found the perfect solution. Oat breakfast jars.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Fairy Garden Fun

As a stay at home mom, with a child who doesn't go to school, I am always on the lookout for fun activities. A few weeks ago Garden World hosted an amazing fairy garden workshop for children. It was great value for money and the variety of plants and craft materials available was amazing. 

Monday 25 April 2016

Best Pancakes!

When I was a child we had a Saturday morning tradition of having pancakes and rootbeer for breakfast. My dad even used to make maple syrup and rootbeer from extracts that my aunt would bring us when she visited from the US.

Friday 22 April 2016

Happy Earth Day


Happy planting!
Candice & Lexi

Thursday 14 April 2016

Feeling under the weather

What do you do when you're feeling icky?

Put up a tent, fill it with cushions and read books all afternoon.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

The secret to growing huge basil plants

There is no secret trick really.

Since that bag of carrot seeds (you can read about them here), Lexi and I have done a lot of experimenting with herb propagation. We tend to buy herbs in pots, put them in a sunny spot on the kitchen windowsill, yet they never thrive.

Monday 11 April 2016

Why children should play outside..... even in winter

I recently saw a photograph from the 1950's of prams lined up in the snow with napping babies. It got me thinking about the importance of unstructured outside play for children. I am fortunate that Lexi has always loved playing outdoors. However, these days children are spending most of their free time indoors engaging with technology rather than with each other. 

Saturday 9 April 2016

Ultimate Garden

The perfect solution for a small, urban garden like mine.... vertical gardening. This vertical garden in Russia is my ultimate! I love the colours and the design. Each pot is perfectly placed.

Friday 8 April 2016

What on earth is Sharon fruit?

We were browsing in the vegetable shop yesterday when Lexi was offered a sample taste of Sharon fruit. I was kinda perplexed because I thought I had a broad knowledge of fruit and vegetables, but I'd never heard of Sharon fruit. Turns out, it's a persimmon (Chinese apple) and there was no way we were going home without a bag. It was love at first taste for Lexi.